May 10, 2016

The CCF to Host a Policy Forum on Health Care Reform

CCF and Fordham University

The CCF, along with the Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service, is proud to host a full-day policy forum entitled, “Children and Families at the Nexus of Health Care Reform” on June 22, 2016, in the Pope Auditorium on Fordham’s Lincoln Center Campus in Manhattan. The forum will start at 8:30AM and conclude at 4:30PM.

The forum will explore the revolution in health care delivery and access issues confronting the CCF, other organizations, and the children and families marginalized from the safety net as they adapt to changes in the health care market place. It will educate the entire child and family-serving community on health care changes affecting service delivery and build relationships among CCF members and organizations including; schools of social work, nursing and public health, health care providers, managed care organizations advocacy groups, foundations and the media.

The focus will be on Medicaid-eligible children and families who have an opportunity to receive improved access to and coordination of their health care and human service needs in a dramatically shifting service system. Together, we will explore how we ensure that they receive the right service at the right time and bring value to their lives.

Content for the forum includes expert speakers who will cover the following topics:

  • The challenge of caring for children most in need of care in the midst of health care and Medicaid reform: the view from community-based providers.
  • Integrating behavioral and medical care delivery and preparing these systems to handle children who have experienced trauma.
  • Preparing for value-based care.

Discussion panels will also address:

  • Integrating primary and behavioral care to serve the child and family.
  • Caring for children and families with adverse experiences (like child exploitation and molestation, child abuse and maltreatment etc., leading to childhood trauma).
  • Building a health home workforce that can help families negotiate the shifting health care system.

If you would like additional information regarding the forum please email us at